We go green to lower our carbon footprint.
At Precious Memories, we deeply care about our environment and being green is a priority. We try hard to practice the 3 Rs. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. National Grid awarded us a Green Store Citation. Here’s how:
1.We switched to energy-efficient lighting. All of our lighting is LED to reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions. We’ve also installed motion detectors on lights in the dressing rooms and bathrooms that can be turned off when not in use.
2. We Clean greener. We have switched to non-toxic and biodegradable products as much as possible. Eco-friendly cleaning products not only reduce air and water pollution but also help fight ozone depletion and climate change and ozone depletion. We also only use recycled paper towels and recycled fabrics to clean.
3. Receipts optional. We are 100% digital to reduce our paper waste. Our systems allow us to email or text receipts, orders, and all other communication. We also provide paper receipts for those that want one.
4. Energy-efficient equipment. We also program our equipment to sleep to save energy.
5. Turn it off. We shut everything off each night to avoid sucking “vampire power” to dormant equipment. Our switch wiring system was installed to be able to turn off areas of the store that aren’t being used as well as timers for efficiency.
6. Cut packaging. We try to have our orders grouped to have minimal packaging and waste. We encourage existing vendors to ship products in less elaborate packaging and to use digital manuals, invoicing, and catalogues. Our packaging is all reusable and made out of recyclable materials when possible.
7. Recycle. We commit to recycling and contract Republic Services for all our recyclables who “is dedicated to creating a cleaner, safer, healthier world” .
8. Energy saving thermostats, furnaces and air conditioners. Our energy efficient heating and cooling reduces emissions, thus reduces our carbon footprint by emitting less greenhouse gasses.